Many thanks for considering the Critical Perspectives on Accounting Conference 2020 as a forum for your work. We are welcoming submissions of full papers until February 7th, 2020.
All manuscripts should be sent to
We would appreciate it if you could use the following text in the Subject line: ‘CPA 2020 Conference Submission’
Some basic guidelines are as follows:
- All papers will be reviewed before being accepted to the Conference.
- A discussant will be assigned if the paper is accepted.
- There is the agreement that should your paper be accepted, then you or/and one of your co-authors will attend the Conference to respond to the discussant comments, and to serve as discussant of another paper during the Conference.
Timeline for the review process:
- Full paper deadline: February 7, 2020
- Shortly thereafter the papers will be sent out the reviewers for comments.
- The decision about acceptance will be communicated to authors no later than April 10, 2020
Registration for the conference will open in April 2020
- Shortly thereafter the accepted papers will be assigned a discussant.
- The discussants should send their comments to the authors no later than July 1, 2020.
We look forward to welcoming not only your submissions to the Conference, but also welcoming you to Toronto in July, 2020.